About Teesha
Dr. Teesha Morgan is a Sex Therapist and Couples Counsellor based in Kelowna, BC. Her educational background began in the psychological sciences – as she obtained a Bachelor of Science degree with a Major in Psychology – and progressed into the arts, with a Master of Counselling degree specializing in Sex Therapy. Dr. Morgan then furthered her knowledge of the sexual field by obtaining both an Associate in Sex Education and Clinical Sexology certificate, making her one of the few Sex Therapists and Board Certified Clinical Sexologists in Canada. She finally concluded her studies by receiving a Doctorate in Human Sexuality.
Additional work includes:
Co-Founder of The Westland Academy of Clinical Sex Therapy
Co-Founder of Westland Therapy Group
Adjunct Professor at Adler University
Recipient of the prestigious biennial Resources and Training Materials Award from the CCPA (Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association).
Board Certified Clinical Sexologist with the American Board of Sexology (ABS #22221)
Sexual Health Consultant (Expert Advisory Group) for the BC Provincial Government (Ministry of Health and the BCCDC)
TEDx Speaker, May 2015 – Masturbation Myths
Associate member of the APA (American Psychological Association) #12033839
Partnered with companies such as Johnson & Johnson (KY Brand), Warner Brothers, Bayer & WeVibe
Developed the sex therapy course curriculum for Adler University
Published author featured in various news outlets and magazines (e.g. Chatelaine Magazine, Flare Magazine, Globe and Mail, Toronto Sun, Calgary Herald, Canada Living, Huffington Post etc).
Keynote Speaker and member of The National Speakers Bureau
Media Guest Expert – Appearances including Global National and local Global Affiliates, The Marilyn Denis Show, Shaw TV Breakfast Television, Dragons Den, Rogers Daytime Ottawa, Sex Matters Toronto’s CTV etc.
Co-author of Heads Up: Increase your sexual confidence, expand your sexual repertoire and get the real low down on oral sex.
Canadian Certified Counsellor #1857 (CCC Designation) with the CCPA (Canadian Counselling & Psychotherapy Association) for over 15 years.
I know sex, and our sexuality, can be an incredibly difficult thing to talk about. I pride myself on creating a welcoming, non-judgemental space that is open to all sexual orientations, lifestyles and consenting behaviours.